If What You're Living For Isn't Worth Dying For...

How superficial is your life?

We all want to live a life of meaning, to make a mark on this world, to leave behind a footprint...so why Lord do we 
sit in our castles and complain of the taxes, 
busy with e-mails and smart phones and faxes?
The wrong butter was bought - "I didn’t want it so salty!“ 
We complain of the killing of cattle and poultry.
…But what of the humans in fear of their lives? 
Tortured, beheaded - mothers and wives, 
children or old ones, there is no restraint. 
No end to the fear, the murder, the pain.
So what do we do? 
We go to the pub and discuss the last match,
the state of the garden or how big was the catch!
The TV in the corner, our amiable friend
blares out what we need, what’s the newest trend.
The news is ignored - just another fake story
Like the action films and just as gory.
We see it all but have turned off our minds
We have seen too much and it's made our hearts blind.
Blinded by comfort and deaf through the noise
of need and want. Like girls and boys
who never grew up but stomp their feet
at desires unfulfilled, but it's not hunger, it's greed.
The void that is in us has never been filled,
though we stuff ourselves with all sorts of ills.
We’re „sick“ with worry, we’d „die“ for trite
but our selfish lives reveal our plight.
For if what we’re living for isn’t worth death.
If what we strive for leaves us bereft.
If what we’re living for, our purpose, our zest,
isn’t worth dying for then forget the rest.
Why are we doing it?
If what you’re living for isn’t worth dying for then why are you doing it?

   Carole Stolz © 2020
