Grave Mistake... So Bury It! (WEP October 2020 Challenge)

Hi, here's my attempt at the October WEP Challenge. 
It's fun getting my head around the teasers, but it didn't send me in a spooky direction as suggested. I guess mine is an attempt to show how important communication is in a relationship and that men and women often have very different starting points!

He stole a kiss and hoped for more
and did not see her eyes imploring
him to stop.
He slapped her butt and grinned lobsided,
Then heard his Mother, how she‘d chided
Be careful son.
Na, not a problem, and without a care,
... he kissed her gently, stroked her hair.
And thought nought of it.

Another macho, another John.
…No, not that bad, but the way he’d come on...
I’ll teach him.
She took out her notebook, and with the pencil sharpened
She wrote it all down, becoming heartened…
Now she’d got him.
I will not have, I cannot take
Another lover, one more mistake...
He’ll pay.

And so he took her for a meal,
Enjoyed the flirting, didn’t feel a heel
As he drove her home.
Just one more kiss, and then another,
And then her breast now all uncovered,
Well why not?

I’ll tell you why my little flirt,
I am not just "a bit of skirt“…
Respect me.
Am I just an object of your desire?
Do you think you own me, you and your fire?
Think again.

Why’s she playing so hard to get?
A little taunt, a heavy pet.
No you don’t, my would be lover,
For I’m a „Me Too“ under cover
She leads me on, she’s such a tease, 
But all I want to do is please.
No you don’t, you’re all the same
You promise joy but deal out pain.

And so the dance goes on and on,
He the demon, she the pawn.
First she’s leading, then it’s him
And then it’s back to her again. 
Eve took the fruit, but Adam ate
So who’s the victim here of fate?
She sinned first, but he did second,
No one is right or ever reckoned
That one time love could turn to hate,
An enemy emerge from a once soul-mate.
Love’s about giving, and hope and trust
And not a furtive, fumbling thrust,
But it’s also not expecting the worst
Or misinterpreting natural thirst
As being evil, wrong or mean - 
The one you reject might have been your dream.

Love is not about what you take
Somebody here’s made a grave mistake.
Don’t let your history a shadow cast,
But start afresh and bury the past.
If you continue to keep yesterday alive,
You'll abort your tomorrow, and today won't survive.

WC 397
